Calm land and treasure cave



Calm land and treasure cave

It is a surrounding of waterfalls and bamboo jungle which sounds make you go back to the roots and become the unity with nature. During a tropical storm we can find refuge in the ‘Treasure Cave’

Due to its construction of salt stalactites, filled with salt cave put us in the mood of “Pirates of the Caribbean”. A specific climate, flowing seawater deposits salt crystals which have healing and relaxation features. A few minute stay in the cave gives a similar effect to few days spent at the seaside.

Treasure cave

In the cave there is a specific microclimate characterized by bacteriological purity and the air is saturated with minerals and microelements.

It is recommended to have several of these sessions to improve the well-being and feel the effect of the salt cave microclimate. These sessions according to research are tantamount to a week at the seaside in after-storm weather when the air is rich in iodine.

Observations carried out in Polish caves have shown that single 45-minute session in the cave corresponds to three days of stay by the sea. Even after participating in regular weekly sessions, you can feel a distinct change in mood.

Without going far away to resorts and the sea you can find yourself in a wonderful location at any time of day or year to breathe the sea air and harden your body. Properly prepared air (cleaned of dust and allergens, and dried in the desired temperature) passing through the salt walls releases a lot of microelements.


is responsible for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which manages our metabolism
and regulate weight.


strengthens the immune system of our body, soothes and regulates the functions of the blood circulation system.


a well-known anti-stress element, has a positive effect on the cardio – vascular system.


these also have a positive effect on cardiac function and improve blood circulation in skin.


is an essential component of haemoglobin.



operates antifungal, affects the synthesis of haemoglobin and the endocrine glands such as the pituitary or thyroid gland.


slows down the ageing process.

Health effects – recommendations

Chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis
bronchial asthma
chronic and returning sinusitis
chronic pneumonia
chronic bronchitis
dermatological diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis)
vessel and heart diseases (cardiovascular problems, after heart attack states)
metabolic disorder
ulcers of stomach and duodenum
different types of allergies
neurosis and fatigue states
stress resistance decrease
thyroid gland diseases


Additional information

Spa rules and regulations


Rajska WySpa Spa & Wellness is the zone of silence and relax. Spa and Wellness is open daily from 9.00 am till 9.30 pm. Buying the entrance ticket to the Wellness Zone and/or other services from the offer of Rajska WySpa Spa & Wellness means that our Guests declare that there are not any medical contraindication against using the services we offer and that they acquainted themselves and agree with the conditions of the following rules and regulations.


There is an extra charge of 70 PLN for losing or destroying the card to your room and the key to the Spa & Wellness dressing room.

The management and staff of Rajska WySpa Spa & Wellness  accept no responsibility for the loss of money or valuables of any kind brought into the Spa premises (dressing rooms, lockers, etc.).

Rajska WySpa Spa & Wellness is designed only for adults. Children and teenagers under 18 are not allowed at the Spa unless with the adults’ consent.



smoke and take any illegal substances, bring food in any form

bring in glass containers

use any equipment without staff consent

walk naked or in any other not accepted outfit

use mobile phones

bring in dogs and other animals.



Drink a lot of still mineral water before, during and after treatments – we recommend using tea bar at Reception of Rajska WySpa Spa & Wellness

Avoid lavish meals and alcohol one hour before planned treatment

Avoid sun baths immediately before and after treatments

Use the bath in Pearl Lagoon always before and not after treatments



Using saunas in accordance with instructions which are placed next to them

Entering saunas in towel, in pearl lagoon bathing outfit is de rigueur

Filling a consultancy form and informing us about illnesses

Informing about the change of date or cancellation of booking at least 6 hours before planned treatment

It is necessary to change your shoes for replacement ones (such as flip-flops) after entering Rajska WySpa Spa & Wellness

Please inform staff of Rajska Wyspa Spa & Wellness about all improprieties, defects, etc. which can have an influence on the use of the centre

Out of concern for your and other users’ safety it is necessary to keep

to the above-mentioned rules

People staying in the Rajska WySpa Spa &Wellness area are obliged to acquaint themselves with the General Rules and Regulations and the Rules of Individual Rooms

Please turn off your mobile phone before entering Rajska WySpa Spa & Wellness


To ensure maximum pleasure and comfort while using Rajska WySpa facilities, we offer you childcare. When you relax – your child can have a great time playing with a qualified baby-sitter. For further details, please contact Reception. 

